IIBA - Mobile Analysis

  • 21 Jan 2015
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Paoli Design Center, 1604 E Lancaster Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301


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For slides from this presentation, click here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

As mobile apps and websites explode into the enterprise it is becoming more and more important for analysts to understand the unique dynamics of mobile projects. All of the skills you’ve used successfully to define requirements and build traditional IT systems still apply, but there are some new questions that need to be considered for mobile projects. If these new questions are not addressed your mobile project faces an uphill battle to success. This presentation outlines these new questions, sprinkled with real life examples from our Fortune 500 clients, across all major phases of the project lifecycle, from project conception through deployment and support phases. Some of the things you’ll learn are:

  • Given all the excitement for our app, how do we manage scope creep?
  • What mobile platform should we target first; iOS, Android, or something else?
  • How do I make sure we’re not rewriting this app every year for a new phone?
  • How do I get ready for the Internet of Things?



Jack Cox is a software developer, systems architect, and Managing Director at CapTech Consulting. where he is responsible for the firm’s mobile software practice. Jack’s love of software development and all things mobile has driven a career developing software for businesses of all sizes including large-scale transaction processing systems, embedded software, and smart-phone software. Jack co-authored the book ‘Professional iOS Network Programming’ (Wiley). He has been involved in several startups, holds multiple patents and frequently presents to professional groups. He has a degree in computer science from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. Jack lives in Richmond, Virginia with his wife and children.

--The Philadelphia IIBA Board

Paoli Design Center, 1604 E Lancaster Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301

If you need assistance, call 610-644-4200 or 609-276-7045 or 610-420-1056.

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